
更新: 2022-09-15 17:36:58 热度:


While watching videos on Douyin one day, I came across a very unique profile(轮廓): an 88-year-old farmer livestreaming trendy products in a rural setting. I clicked his page and saw that he was livestreaming because he needed to cover his wife's medical expenses. Curious, I decided to contact him and learn more about his story.

Now a retired farmer, Wu relies on government subsidies(补贴). One rainy day, he returned to his rundown one-floor cottage in the suburb of Henan province and found his wife lying on the ground in great pain. She had broken her leg and lost the ability to walk.

A great burden befell this already poverty-stricken family. The medical expenses for Wu's wife are about 800 yuan per month. Her daughter, a mother of three and a housewife, has no means of supporting Wu financially. As a heavy user on Douyin, Wu's daughter thought that perhaps they too could try livestreaming as a way to help their family. With a 9.9 yuan phone holder, they began livestreaming on Douyin, and Wu became one of the oldest livestreamers on the platform.

Every day, Wu livestreams for a total of six hours, separated into morning and afternoon sessions. With a broad smile and soothing(宽慰的)voice, he explains the products on his table, which range from water bottles, makeup removers and vegetables to traditional Chinese clothing that Wu himself wears in front of the camera. Thousands of viewers are drawn in by his moving story and amiable(和蔼的)personality. They refer to him dearly as "my uncle Wu" or "Laoxiang".

During my interview with him, Wu would laugh warmly. His strong Henan dialect was sometimes hard to understand, but his tone was full of comfort and optimism. "I enjoy livestreaming. One day, one of the viewers came to visit me. I was so happy." Wu spoke about the friendships he made after becoming a livestreamer, and his voice was so contagious(感染力的)that it put a smile on my face.

He also does not avoid showing affection for his wife: "I will buy her good food when I have the money." I am moved by his ability to see the optimistic side of life despite being struck by hardships and his resilience(坚韧)sailing through the low tides of life.

1.What happened to Wu's family?

A.They lost the chance to get subsidies.

B.Wu was forced to retire from his job.

C.Wu's wife was unable to walk.

D.Wu suffered a severe disease.

2.Why did Wu start livestreaming?

A.To support his daughter.

B.To promote trendy products.

C.To share his story with viewers.

D.To pay his wife's medical bills.

3.What attracted viewers to Wu?

A.His good nature and touching story.

B.The high quality of his products.

C.His rich experience in front of the camera.

D.His detailed explanation of products.

4.Which of the following best describes Wu?

A.Confident and modest.

B.Open-minded and responsible.

C.Helpful and sociable.

D.Cheerful and humorous.

On March 14, Bai Xuesong, a guide at the Beilin Museum in Xi’an, northwest China’s Shaanxi province, hosted a live broadcast displaying the collections at the museum, which attracted over 300,000 viewers.

Bai has become a hit on the Internet ever since he started giving tours of the museum collections through live streaming videos on February 23. After viewing his broadcasts, many netizens expressed a desire to visit the museum when it reopened after the COVID-19 outbreak.

It is estimated that more than 30 museums in China, including the National Museum of China and the Dunhuang Academy China, have hosted live broadcasts on online platforms during the epidemic (流行病), each gaining over 10 million viewers in one day. The Gansu Provincial Museum, one of the museums that have been exploring online platforms and using them, attracted as many as 900,000 viewers at one point in its live broadcasts, more than half of its total viewers last year, according to the deputy curator (副馆长) of the museum. As a result, the number of fans of the official online store of the museum on the e-commerce platform Taobao has grown to 25,000, with sales of related products seeing a huge increase.

“Cooperation between museums and Internet platforms is beneficial to both sides,” said Huang Yang, vice professor with the cultural heritage and museology (博物馆学) department of the Nanjing Normal University. He said that while museums need to use live broadcasts to spread culture, Internet giants need the resources that museums possess to provide high-quality content for users.

5.What does the word “displaying” underlined in paragraph 1 mean?





6.What made Bai Xuesong popular on the Internet?

A.His live broadcasts.

B.His collection of art.

C.His ability to make videos.

D.His knowledge of the Internet.

7.What do the numbers in paragraph 3 show?

A.The popularity of online stores.

B.The development of Chinese museums.

C.The success of live broadcasts of museums.

D.The importance of online platforms in China.

8.What can we infer from the last paragraph?

A.There are two sides to every story.

B.Experience is the mother of wisdom.

C.Never rise early without proper benefit.

D.Working together can create a win-win situation.

Australian experts have expressed concerns that too many millennials (千禧一代) are hoping to use their social media accounts to build their careers.

Their concerns follow the sudden rise in “insta-celebrities” who make money by posting sponsored (赞助的) photos online. For the lucky few who are not only talented photographers but also good-looking and business-savvy (有商业头脑的), making money off social media isn’t impossible.

Instagram is flooded with social media professionals paid to promote products and services.However, social scientist Lauren Rosewarne, from the University of Melbourne, says that in reality, there are far fewer people making money off the platforms than one may think.

She said many young Australians were getting sucked in by the appeal of making money on platforms like Instagram, describing it as “totally unrealistic “and extremely difficult to do.” Young people are hoping to be famous in numbers that were simply not there 20 years ago, Rosewarne told the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) on Saturday. “There are some people who can make fortunes out of monetizing (使具有货币性质) their Instagram posts, but that is not the norm.”

She said it was up to parents and schools to discourage students from seeking Insta-fame, as many believe it is a possible career choice. “There’s the warning for parents; this is not a normal or even common occurrence that you can monetize your Instagram account.”

Meanwhile Toni Eager from Australian National University said social problems could arise from spending too much time with social media.

“Where do the insta-celebrities go ... to separate the life people see on Instagram from their actual normal life?” Eager said. “All of a sudden, people own your private life.”

9.Why is there a rise in “insta-celebrities”?

A.Many young people want to be photographers.

B.Many people see it as a shortcut to making money.

C.People want to socialize by sharing photos online.

D.Instagram offers a reliable career choice.

10.What does the underlined phrase “getting sucked in” in paragraph 4 probably mean?

A.Benefiting from something.

B.Becoming involved in something.

C.Taking advantage of something.

D.Being satisfied with something.

11.What message does the author convey by quoting Lauren Rosewarne?

A.Young people today are more business-savvy than-ever.

B.Young people are becoming less interested in internet fame.

C.Instagram is not a good platform to promote new products.

D.It’s a bad idea for young people to try earning money on Instagram.

12.What problem does Toni Eager think overuse of social media could cause?

A.An over-reliance on Instagram.

B.A loss of personal privacy.

C.Inability to appreciate life.

D.The desire to monetize one’s Instagram account.


LiJiaqi,a star in live- streaming(网络直播), knows how____13____(draw )the audience’s attention. Each time, he introduces a new item and then promotes it directly, “Buy it-just buy it! It looks super super good! " ---a sales pitch the online influencer is famous for.

Compared with Taylor Swift’s headline show at 2019 ’s Double Eleven evening party, Li's live-stream appeared ____14____(simple),but he probably had a greater influence on last year’s festival. In the month____15____(follow ) the shopping festival, Li’s promotion____16____(drive)over one billion yuan in sales on Taobao Live.

As a new way of shopping, live-streaming has proved successful,____17____has led more companies to use online influencers to promote their products. The rise of commercial live-streaming is partly based on convenience. Any product can____18____(buy) during live-streams with just a couple of taps and swipes. Without the advantage,____19____(customer) may give up an item if its description does not provide enough information.

A convincing live-streamer together with limited-time discounts or lucky draws also____20____(account)for its popularity. Those tricks help persuade people to shop through live-streaming.

For now, there is still some doubt____21____ live-streamers can really take responsibility for their broadcasts or not. However, buyers are quick to make judgements. ”I don’t plan to stop watching Li’s live-streams. But out of ____22____(curious),I also do my own research instead of shopping immediately. ”said a Mr.Li, who often does shopping online.








1.细节理解题。根据第二段中“ She had broken her leg and lost the ability to walk.(她摔断了腿,失去了走路的能力)”可知 Wu的妻子不能走路了。故选C。

2.细节理解题。根据第一段“ he was livestreaming because he needed to cover his wife's medical expenses(他正在直播,因为他需要支付他妻子的医疗费用)”可知Wu开始直播是为了支付他妻子的医疗费用。故选安萱D。

3.细节理解题。根据第四段“Thousands of viewers are drawn in by his moving story and amiable(和蔼的)personality.(成千上万的观众被他感人的故事和和蔼可亲的性格所吸引。)”是他善良的性格和动人的故事吸引了观众。故选A。

4.推理判断题。根据第一段“an 88-year-old farmer livestreaming trendy products in a rural setting.(一位88岁的农民在农村地区直播时尚产品)”可知他虽然是老年人,但是却思想开放。以及“ he was livestreaming because he needed to cover his wife's medical expenses(他正在直播,因为他需要支付他妻子的医疗费用)”可知他在努力挣钱为妻子支付医疗费用,是个负责任的人。故选B。







5.词义猜测题。根据下文“the collections at the museum(博物馆内的藏品)”和“which attracted over 300,000 viewers(吸引了超过30万观众)”可推断displaying意为“陈列,展出”,和showing同义,故选B。

6.细节理解题。根据第二段“Bai has become a hit on the Internet ever since he started giving tours of the museum collections through live streaming videos on February 23.(自2月23日开始通过视频直播参观博物馆藏品以来,白某已经成为了网络红人)”由此可知白雪松因为直播而成为网络红人,故选A。

7.推理判断题。根据第三段“It is estimated that more than 30 museums in China, …As a result, the number of fans of the official online store of the museum on the e-commerce platform Taobao has grown to 25,000, with sales of related products seeing a huge increase.(统计,疫情期间,中国国家博物馆、中国敦煌研究院等30多家博物馆通过网络平台直播,单日观众量均超过1000万人次。甘肃省博物馆是探索并使用网络平台的博物馆之一,据博物馆副馆长说,其直播一度吸引了多达90万观众,占去年总观众的一半以上。因此,在电商平台淘宝上,故宫官方网店的粉丝数量已增至2.5万,相关产品的销量也大幅增长)”可推知,这些数字说明了博物馆网络直播的成功,故选C。

8.推理判断题。根据最后一段“‘Cooperation between museums and Internet platforms is beneficial to both sides,’ said Huang Yang, …He said that while museums need to use live broadcasts to spread culture, Internet giants need the resources that museums possess to provide high-quality content for users.(博物馆和互联网平台之间的合作对双方都有好处,”南京师范大学文化遗产与博物馆学副教授黄洋说。他说,虽然博物馆需要通过直播来传播文化,但互联网巨头需要博物馆拥有的资源来为用户提供高质量的内容)”可推知,互联网和博物馆是双赢的,故选D。







9.细节理解题。根据第二段“Their concerns follow the sudden rise in “insta-celebrities” who make money by posting sponsored (赞助的) photos online.”(他们的担忧源于通过在网上发布赞助的照片来赚钱的网红的突然增多。)"可知,网红越来越多是因为很多人认为这是一条赚钱的捷径,故选B。

10.词句猜测题。根据第三段“Instagram is flooded with social media professionals paid to promote products and services.( Instagram上充斥着受雇宣传产品和服务的社交媒体专业人士。)”可知,Instagram等平台上推广产品和服务的专业人士众多,这会吸引年轻人趋之若鹜,寻求赚钱机会,再根据第四段“She said many young Australians were getting sucked in by the appeal of making money on platforms like Instagram,….(她说,许多澳大利亚年轻人被在Instagram等平台上赚钱的吸引力所……)”可推知,由讲述Instagram等平台上赚钱的吸引力“吸引了”许多澳大利亚的年轻人,划线词getting sucked in意为“为……所吸引,参与”,故选B。

11.推理判断题。根据第三段“However, social scientist Lauren Rosewarne, from the University of Melbourne, says that in reality, there are far fewer people making money off the platforms than one may think. (然而,墨尔本大学的社会科学家Lauren Rosewarne表示,实际上,通过这些平台赚钱的人比人们想象的要少得多。) ”以及第四段“There are some people who can make fortunes out of monetizing (使具有货币性质) their Instagram posts, but that is not the norm.(有些人可以通过Instagram上的帖子赚钱,但这不是普遍现象。)”和第五段“There’s the warning for parents; this is not a normal or even common occurrence that you can monetize your Instagram account.(这是对父母的警告;这是不正常的,甚至是不常发生,你可以货币化你的Instagram帐户。)”可知,作者引用Lauren Rosewarne的话是想传达“年轻人尝试在Instagram上赚钱可不是个好主意”的看法。故选D。

12.推理判断题。根据最后一段“ All of a sudden, people own your private life.”(突然之间,你的私人生活就归别人所有了)可知,Toni Eager认为过度使用社交媒体会导致个人隐私的丧失。故选B。

13.to draw

14.simpler##more simple




18.be bought





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